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TURN THE PAGE by Stephanie Yates

Apparently, spring cleaning is easier if you declutter first.  I had lofty goals that day, but never managed to make it beyond the bookshelf.  I had saved every Pink Light, ever.  I found myself on the floor turning the pages remembering fondly the people in the photos, the jobs on the pages, and the projects we were so proud of.  It has been my great privilege to design each issue as your editor with the hope that you found some value and encouragement.  Sincerely, thank you for reading, submitting, and supporting the Ladies Pink Light over the past eight years.  Your contributions were invaluable.

We are beginning a new chapter.  Now our best way forward is a transition to digital copies.  This will be our last printed issue ending a 15-year run and the Pink Light will become an electronic version for your convenience.  I will upload quarterly issues to our website in conjunction with our scheduled 798 Union meetings and our Ladies Hospitality meetings.  We will launch our first e-version this fall. (see PDF image above)  Many factors beyond our control have impacted our structure.   Hard copies are not serving our organization as we are faced with the challenges of a nationwide paper shortage, mail delays, increased postage fees, distribution problems with mail services, and personnel changes.  We remain committed to providing readers with informative and inspiring content.  Using a digital platform means reaching (and growing) our Pipeliners Local Union 798 family better as well as maintaining our mission of benevolence and charity within our organization and our pipeline communities. 

We will no longer collect subscription fees or membership forms.  Any remaining Pink Light funds will be considered a donation and used for future charitable good works.  Should you wish to receive a refund for any unused portion of your subscription fee, please send an email to with your name and address.  Requesting a refund in no way impacts your membership. The Ladies of 798 continues to offer membership to all family and friends of 798 who wish to participate in upholding our mission. 


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